Born in 1979 in Haifa Israel. Basically, has been drawing since childhood.
Graduated the Visual communication department at Wizo College of design – Haifa in 2003.
Currently lives in Berlin after living for many years in Tel-Aviv and spending one adventurous year in Tokyo.
Works as a freelance illustrator, designer, and animator using a variety of methods and techniques. Her works have been displayed in shows, magazines, books, album covers etc. in many countries around our home-planet.
Has also worked as a teacher in various art schools in Tel-Aviv and recently started playing around with home-made cosmetics mixed with her own illustration at her Berlin studio lab.
Adores toys, animation films, gelatin food, cats and everything silly & trashy.
Geboren und aufgewachsen in Hildesheim, arbeitet Julian jetzt als freier Grafik-, Kommunikationsdesigner und Illustrator in Hamburg. Neben dem Experimentieren mit künstlerischen Druckgrafiken, geht er gerne seinem Hang für geometrische Formen, Architektur und industrielle Motive nach. Abseits des Schreibtisches produziert er zudem Shirts im Siebdruck, die er mit anderen Prints auf Designmärkten und Messen anbietet. Um einen freien Kopf für neue Ideen zu bekommen, zieht es Julian mit Punkrock auf den Ohren in die Skateparks dieser Welt.
Adrienne is artist currently living and working in Berlin. Originally from Toronto, she is a self taught art school drop out and an Aries. For last 8 years she has been working with graphite drawings, digital collages and risographs of anthropomorphized flora and fauna, ye olden times, the occult and tasteful (erotic) nudes. Her work borrows from a mix of classical antiquity, the renaissance, folklore and mythology combined with 90s anime and manga.
Katharina Bourjau works as a freelance Illustrator in Munich and Stuttgart, Germany. She was born 1990 in Munich and studied Graphic Design at the Academy of Arts in Stuttgart. Katharina works mainly for magazines and newspaper, such as Monocle Magazine, Zeit leo, The Weekender, Cicero and Wirtschaftswoche but she also creates animations, sculptures and other little print projects.
Mina grew up near Frankfurt in Hessen. After studying Visual Communication at Kassel Academy of Art, she moved to the UK to complete a Bachelor and Masters Degree at Edinburgh College of Art. In Scotland Mina discovered her love for printmaking, particularly screen printing, and started producing her own editions of prints. She also worked in communal arts running workshops in illustration. Since 2015 she is based in Berlin and works as a freelance illustrator from her studio space in Kreuzberg. In her artwork, she likes telling stories about everyday life. Her zine “How to Swim” was her first Risograph project, which she printed at Drucken3000, followed by “Zusammen Wachsen”, a comic about how to regrow vegetables from leftovers. In 2023 Mina was nominated for the Jugendliteraturpreis for the children’s book “Billabongkönig” and she will join the “Stiftung Buchkunst” in May 2024 as a jury member. Since 2019 she also runs workshops at Drucken3000.
Die Arbeiten des in Nürnberg geborenen und jetzt in Hamburg lebenden Illustrators Max Knicker zeigen oftmals eine Vermischung von surrealen Bildwelten und Situationen aus dem Alltag. Zurzeit studiert er im Master Illustration an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften und gestaltet u.a. Plakate, Zines und Leinwände.
Yaron Maïm is a Berlin-based visual artist with a French accent. „Where does a drawing end and where does it begin?“ is their incentive to create. Their work weaves contemporary art and computer graphics, including print media, video, performance, augmented reality and 3D animation. They completed an MA in Solo/ Dance/ Authorship (SODA, HZT, Universität der Künste Berlin, 2018) and an MA in Visual Arts/ Critical Curatorial Cybermedia (CCC, University of Art & Design, Geneva, 2012).
Raúl Soria arbeitet als Illustrator und lebt in Berlin. Er hat Visuelle Kommunikation an der UdK Berlin studiert. Nach seinem Abschluss arbeitet er hauptsächlich für Zeitungen und Magazine. Zu seinen Kunden zählen unter anderem Variety, FOCUS, De Correspondent, Smith Journal, OpenTable und Mercedes-Benz Next.
Christoph Kleinstück ist freiberuflicher Illustrator und Druckgrafiker, wohnhaft in Deutschlands grauer Rotklinker Hauptstadt.
Born in Italy, Linda studied as an architect before exploring the world of paper craft and book art. To create her intricate papercuts she gets inspiration from childhood memories, traditional storytelling and observation of the reality; she produces two or three-dimensional scenes from sheets of paper assembled together, that draw the viewer in worlds full of hidden details and that are often fun, surreal and ironic.
She now lives in London, but Berlin will soon be her new home.
Jan-Hendrik Holst ist ein echt Hamburger Jung. Seit dem Studium der Illustration an der HAW Hamburg arbeitet er freiberuflich als Illustrator. Seine lustigen Figuren waren bereits in der Werbung zu sehen, erscheinen regelmäßig in der FAZ und zieren Geschirr von Ahoi Marie. Wenn er grade mal nicht zeichnet, treibt er Sport, kocht vegan oder hört deutschen Hip Hop aus den 90ern.
Danadamki lebt auf dem Land zwischen Berlin und Hamburg. Sie zeichnet gern pummelige Tiere, Typen mit kurzen Beinchen und dämliche Gesichter.

Inspiriert durch Länder in denen sie einige Jahre gelebt hat (hauptsächlich Japan) produziert sie jetzt diversen Schnick-Schnack, nämlich hauptsächlich Schrumpffolienbroschen und kleine Magazine.
Die meisten Produkte sind Einzelstücke oder in Kleinstauflagen hergestellt.
gerd_unodostres ist ein Graffitialterego und Grafikdesigner.
Guillaume Kashima is a French illustrator living in Berlin. He started his career as a graphic designer in advertising but later moved on to illustration. From this experience, he kept a direct and minimal approach of images as a vector of communication. His work today embraces different fields and medium such as prints, apps or objects. Guillaume ‘s work is also very versatile in terms of visual aesthetics, but his process always originates from boldness, wit and humour.
Illustrator, Autor, Sugar-Daddy. Glaubt immer noch an den mirakulösen Erwerb von unbändigem Fame basierend auf dem Erstellen einer einzigen, minder guten Illustration, die als Content der eigenen Website dient. So als wäre ich immer noch 12 und nich so gut mit Komputern.
TanTan Things ist das junge Label von Tanja Hildebrandt. TanTan liebt geometrische Formen, knallige Farben und alles, was mit Papier zu tun hat. Ihre Kollektion umfasst Accessoires mit grafischen Mustern, sowie Papeterie Artikel, die zu jeder Gelegenheit passen. Alle Produkte sind von Hand gezeichnet und in Kleinserie angefertigt.
Bene Rohlmann wurde 1985 in Münster geboren, wo er außerdem in 2012 sein Diplom in Illustration erhielt. 2010 zog er bereits nach Berlin, wo er seitdem Vollzeit als Illustrator und Künstler arbeitet. Seine Arbeiten sind inspiriert von Surrealismus, Mythologie, Comics, Cartoons, Grafiken der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts und seiner eigenen Kindheit. Außerdem sind sie oft sehr seltsam und voll von schwarzem Humor. Seine Illustrationen erschienen bereits in zahlreichen nationalen und internationalen Magazinen, Zeitungen, auf T-Shirts, Postern und Album Covern und seine Kunst wurde in vielen Ausstellungen innerhalb Europas, den USA, Australien und Singapur gezeigt.
Die Grafiken des Hamburger Designers und Illustrators Michael Jeronski spielen mit reduzierten Formen und klaren Flächen. Sie sind zurückhaltend und einfach aber gleichzeitig prägnant. Die Grundlage jeder Arbeit ist immer die manuelle Druckgrafik.
Veit Gruenert studied visual communication in Dusseldorf and Hamburg.
He lives in Berlin and works as graphic designer in the field of arts and culture.
Qvamtastisch moderne Kunst und Illustration neu erlebt. Ein junger hamburger Graffiti- und Grafikdesigner, der eine individuelle Linie zwischen klassischer und urbaner Gestaltung in Farbe setzt. Sein lebendiger Stil, gekonnt mit organischen Elementen in Szene gesetzt, erzeugt nicht nur bei jüngeren Betrachtern Begeisterung und einen Wiedererkennungswert. Qvüberzeuge dich selbst!
Jette v. Bodecker lives and works as a graphic designer in Berlin, studied in Leipzig, teached in China, travels again and again across Asia.
Carmen Reina is a a Berlin-based illustrator and graphic designer with a background in architecture and the greatest love for dance and movement. Carmen believes that sometimes, life’s not about “dancing as if no one is watching”, but more about dancing as if everyone is actually doing it. The way Carmen represents the human body is not too far from architectural graphic representation. Their characters are not afraid of space nor can they be repressed in their body language.
Dominic is a graphic designer and illustrator born in Cologne. He was raised in the Black Forest near the Swiss-French border and lived numerous years in England. After graduating Communication Design in Freiburg he worked several years for big agencies.
His Illustration style is influenced by 50s cartoon art, Nobrow, Modernism and contemporary graphic design. 
He currently works as freelance graphic designer, art director and illustrator in Cologne.
Marc David Spengler studies graphic design at the State Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart.
Alongside his studies he’s experimenting with all kinds of shapes and colours.
Jasmin Jochum ist freie Grafik Designerin & Art Directorin unter dem Namen SHOCKING GREY. Sie lebt und arbeitet mal in Berlin, mal in Köln. Studiert hat sie an der Köln International School of Design. Jasmin liebt Abwechslung: alles zwischen Schwarz-Weiß und knalligen Farben, aufgeräumte Geometrie genauso wie Punk und Dada, Pixel und Schnipsel, Design-Denke, aber auch Machen, Lücken und geballten Krach, Sommerregen und Wintersonne und das Gefühl, unterwegs zu hause zu sein.
We are HOLA MONO, a multidisciplinary duo from different visual roots.
We work between digital, analog, illustration, painting, screen-print, photography,
video and vjing. We are beings of movement and constant mutation, living temporarily in different places like Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Barcelona, ​​Madrid and now in Berlin.
Each city influences and changes us, analyzing what surrounds us, this life that we feed with the constant movement, uncertain, surprising, enriching, changing skins, learning / understanding and inquiring.
Returning an abstract response / reaction to all this complexity.
A visual breath, a break.
Hi, my name is Michael, born and raised in Germany.
I’m a self taught freelance graphic designer & illustrator with multiple years of work experience. Almost a year ago, I quit my corporate graphic design 9to5 job to follow my passion and concentrate on my personal art:
Illustration, character & graphic design, gig posters, product customization, live paintings & murals. Also, in growing my hair.
Ella Moe is a small animal who likes drawing. A lot. She’s easily confused, but kind.
Erich Lesovsky is a Berlin based independent artist with focus on electronic music and digital media.
Benjamin Gottwald lebt und arbeitet als freiberuflicher Comiczeichner und Illustrator in Hamburg. Seine Illustrationen sind bevorzugt geometrisch und gern mit Kreisschablonen aller Art gezeichnet. Zudem arbeitet er mit Julian Fiebach an einer wortlosen Abenteuercomic Serie die im Jaja Verlag als „Der Ausflug“ erscheint.
Michael Zander, born in 1976, had a sunshiny childhood. Afterwards he studied communications design with focus on illustration at the university of applied science in Trier. Since 2010 he works as a freelance illustrator and is represented by the illustration-agency Jutta Fricke. He works for publishing houses, galeries, agencies and educational institutions. Besides he loves to make riso prints. He lives in Berlin.
Jan von Hand is an allround-designer-illustrator-graphic-designer-animator from the Ruhr area in Germany – full-time graphic & motion designer at an agency and freelance designer & illustrator in the evening and on weekends. Motivated by his passion for reproduction techniques, he loves producing artwork tailored for specific print processes. Inspired by urban art, he is always aiming for the balance between a clean and handmade look, never taking himself too seriously. The leitmotif that he never lets loose is tasty and cheesy, and leads to his love for pizza again and again.
Ramon Keimig studied design with a focus on illustration at Fachhochschule Würzburg. He is interested in gigposters, album covers, printmaking, drawing and doing his personal work.
Marcel is an Illustrator living and working in Cologne.
Inga Israel lebt als freie Illustratorin und Designerin in Berlin. Ihre Illustrationen sind in Zeitungen und Magazinen wie z.B. TAZ, FAS, PsychologieHeute & Mixology – Magazin für Barkultur zu sehen. Zusammen mit ihrem Bruder Roman Israel hat sie bisher acht illustrierte Bände mit Lyrik und Kurzgeschichten herausgebracht. Neben Buch- und Magazingestaltung zeichnet sie auch lustige Characters für Filme und Musikvideos.
Has a bachelor in Visual Communication from KADK, Copenhagen, and the last two years most of her time was being spent in Hamburg.
Playful colour combinations and dynamic compositions are what mostly defines her work. This is probably the result of the fascination she has for the almost unbelievable structures of the nature. From time to time weird looking dogs are sneaking in to her pictures too.
Lukas studiert und werkelt in Nürnberg vor sich hin und hat selten eine Ahnung, wie er sich nun betiteln soll. Fakt ist jedoch, dass er das Drucken liebt, weshalb er eine offene Werkstatt für Sieb- und Hochdruck leitet. Wenn man dort vorbeischaut, hat man eine gute Chance, ihn dabei anzutreffen, einen Workshop zu geben oder seine eigenen Grafiken aufs Papier zu bringen.

Sein wahrer Traum ist es, Zahnarzt zu werden.
Marika Haustein is a freelance illustrator, currently living in Hamburg.
She loves bad jokes, comics, cardboard and all sorts of drawings.
Also, she is one half of the drawing machine Wunschbilderbude.
Is an adult, studying narrative illustration in Hamburg.
Sebastian is an Art Director, Designer and Illustrator from Hamburg. With two hearts beating inside, he is doing minimalistic typographic design as well as colorful and edgy illustration work. His artworks are defined by a rough papercut-like vector style, grainy textures and well picked color compositions. He is also working with papercuts made from cardboard and paper, that benefit from the sensual, haptic feel of real materials.
Cuong Bui Manh is a Vietnamese illustrator, graphic Designer and shop owner, who based in Berlin. He was born in Ninh Binh (Vietnam) 1997 and moved to Germany in year 2002. Growing up in a gastronomic family, he has worked in the kitchen since he was 12 years old. That never reduced his interest in art and design. So he decides to start 2017 a creative career, he studies Bachelor Illustration and graduate successfully in year 2020.
Yves Haltner (1989) is a Swiss illustrator and graphic artist currently living in Berlin. He studied visual communication at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee and ENSAV de la cambre in Brussels. He uses drawing as a medium to approach his environment, whether it is the urban space or a deep jungle in a country far away.
Jonas Natterer ist 1978 in München geboren, in Tirol (A) aufgewachsen und lebt in München. Nach seinem Studium an der FH Mainz und der Académie Royale in Brüssel arbeitete er von 2008–2014 als Art-Direktor des NEON-Magazins. 2014 übernahm er die Art-Direktion des DUMMY-Magazins in Berlin, 2018 die Art-Direktion des BISS Magazins. Er unterrichtete unter anderem an der FH Mainz, FH München und AMD München Editorial Design und konzeptionelles Gestalten. Seit 2015 arbeitet er beim Magazin der Süddeutschen Zeitung und als freier Art-Direktor.
Sven Völker is an artist, a picture book maker and professor for graphic design at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. His book »A Million Dots« is a New York Times Best Illustrated Childrens Books 2019 Winner. Together with Singer and former The Police frontman Sting, Völker has released the picture book »There is a little black spot on the sun today« in 2015. »Are We There Yet« is a book about a big bear and a small butterfly and their great journey. It is a story about friendship, patience and the cycles of being.